Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman PC
Washington, DC (443) 951-7046
Miles away
Luminis Health
Annapolis, MD 443-481-1118
University of Iowa College of Law
Iowa City, IA (319) 335-9034
CH Baker Law
Baltimore, MD (410) 630-8324
Epstein Becker & Green PC
Washington, DC (202) 861-1856
Washington, DC
(Prefer not to answer this question/do not wish to self-identify)
Norton Rose Fulbright
Austin, TX (512) 536-4596
Portland, ME (207) 661-7511
Benesch & Associates LLC
Princeton, NJ 609-731-7500
Blanchard Manning LLP
Eastsound, WA (360) 376-7200
Manhattan Beach, CA (626) 429-5984
Oregon Medical Association
Portland, OR +1 (971) 235-4167
So Dennis, MA (973) 642-8501
King & Spalding LLP
Atlanta, GA (404) 572-3534
Conner & Winters LLP
Tulsa, OK (918) 586-8585
Washington, DC (202) 624-2760
New York University
New York, NY
Glencoe, IL 18479227140
BRIDGMAN, MI +1 (312) 720-3197
Chevy Chase, MD (240) 888-8609
Tucker Arensberg PC
Pittsburgh, PA (412) 594-5515
Omaha, NE
Jane Reister Conard J.D.
Sun Valley, ID 8014935479
Liles Parker PLLC
Washington, DC (202) 298-8750
Towson, MI (410) 206-8312
Moms Clean Air Force
Washington, DC (614) 205-1936
Massachusetts Medical Society
Waltham, MA +1 (781) 424-7004
Law Office Dale H Cowan MD JD
Brecksville, OH (216) 798-2722
Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz PC
Nashville, TN (615) 726-5660
Woods Hole, MA 508 548-2880
Cleveland, OH (216)687-7186
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Miami, FL (305) 347-6520
Wilson, WY (213) 308-7859
Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation
Memphis, TN (901) 227-5233
Montgomery, TX +1 (713) 851-0500
Reed Smith LLP
McLean, VA (703) 241-2632
Strategic Consulting Services
Baton Rouge, LA (225) 715-9368
Cozen O'Connor PC
Philadelphia, PA (215) 665-4136
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI +1 (734) 255-4322
Nashville, TN (615) 551-6325
Alice G Gosfield & Associates PC
Philadelphia, PA (215) 735-2384
Jones Day
Chicago, IL (312) 269-1507
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
Richmond, VA (804) 788-8263
Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC
Falls Church, VA
Salt Lake City, UT 8016314865
Advocate Aurora Health
Chicago, IL (630) 319-0453
Washington, DC (202) 861-1807
Centene Corporation
Saint Johns, FL 9045667878
Sentara Healthcare
Norfolk, VA
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky & Popeo PC
Boston, MA (617) 348-3028
Elizabeth E. Hogue, LLC.
Washington, DC (877) 871-4062
Baltimore, MD (410) 347-7322
Baird Holm LLP
Omaha, NE (402) 636-8201
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Seattle, WA (206) 757-8063
Baltimore, MD (443) 838-3352
Thomas K. Hyatt, PLLC
Washington, DC 202-301-8100
Robert L Johnson Attorney At Law
Hillsborough, CA (650) 340-7083
Reed Claymon Meeker & Hargett PLLC
Austin, TX (512) 660-5960
Simi Valley, CA 2136127855
Selbyville, DE
Gilmanton, NH (603) 224-2341
Liss & Lamar PC
Oak Brook, IL (630) 571-1643
Southfield, MI (248) 647-8663
Hogan Lovells LLP
Chevy Chase, MD 3014670805
Falls Church, Virginia
K & L Gates LLP
Nashville, TN (615) 780-6727
Washington, DC (202) 371-7310
Cohen & Grigsby PC
Pittsburgh, PA (412) 297-4900
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Los Angeles, CA (310) 277-7200
West Bloomfield, MI 248 212 4598
Denver, CO (248) 310-4876
Washington, DC (202) 861-1833
Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law
Dallas, TX 2147683767
Law Offices of Kevin McAnaney
Bethesda, MD (240) 620-5449
Canton, GA (404) 256-8232
Arizona State University - Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
Rockville, MD 2026692309
Alexandria, VA 7033701968
Retired from Bass, Berry & Sims
Nashville, TN (615) 579-7923
Atlanta, GA (404) 352-0475
Woodstock, IL 8472715378
Jefferson City, MO 573-690-2987
Indianapolis, IN
Birmingham, MI
Tupelo, MS (601) 592-9956
Ogletree Deakins
Washington, DC (202) 263-0241
Powell, OH 614-329-5016
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL (813) 974-1675
Chicago, IL (312) 984-6933
Latham & Watkins LLP
San Rafael, CA (415) 395-8160
Wiley Rein LLP
Washington, DC (202) 719-7150
Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek SC
Elm Grove, WI (414) 828-6069
Poinciana, FL
Atlanta, GA
DHHS Office of the Inspector General
Washington, DC (202) 205-9387
Verrill Dana LLP
Boston, MA (617) 292-2875
Coppersmith Brockelman PLC
Phoenix, AZ +1 (602) 224-0999
Law Offices of Michael Dundon Roth LLP
Los Angeles, CA +1 (310) 245-7605
Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff LLP
Cleveland, OH (216) 363-4589
Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer PA
Woodbridge, NJ (732) 855-6047
Christofolo Schermer Consulting
Phoenix, AZ (602) 549-9847
Southwest General Health Center
Berea, Ohio, OH 2164707409
Alston & Bird LLP
Big Canoe, GA
University of Washington
Portland, OR (206) 235-0547
Ice Miller LLP
Indianapolis, IN (317) 236-5903
Atlanta, GA (404) 240-0305
Boston, MA (617) 292-2860
Office of the New York State Attorney General
New York, NY (212) 416-8490
Elmhurst, IL (630) 478-9193
Silhol Law, PLLC
Dallas, TX (214) 750-0238
Jefferson City, MO (573) 893-6874
Chevy Chase, MD (202) 320-4966
Potomac Law Group PLLC
Minneapolis, MN (612) 822-2306
Inglesino Taylor
Parsippany, NJ 973-947-7135
Baltimore, MD (410) 862-1100
Husch Blackwell LLP
Jefferson City, MO (573) 761-1107
Chevy Chase, MD
Birmingham, AL (423) 240-5253
Cincinnati, OH (513) 739-1818
Sarasota, FL
Foley & Lardner LLP
Boston, MA (617) 342-4079
Mercer Island, WA
Dayton, OH (937) 291-7093
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Philadelphia, PA (215) 665-3950
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
Atlanta, GA (404) 868-2050
University of Oklahoma College of Law
Norman, OK (405) 830-0806
Trinity Health
Plymouth, MI (734) 459-8543
Richmond, TX
Washington, DC (202) 756-8148